I made the mistake of taking my brother to breakfast today. It was a botched obligation I traded in for some more time to spend on the couch with my lover. With full intentions of making it up to Scotty by way of Taco Bell, I made the arrangements for feeding him after work. When we got in the car, I, all of a sudden, had a hankering for eggs, bacon and those either burnt or frozen potatoes from The Pancake House around the block. Sure, it's expensive, the service sucks and my brother orders their most expensive meal PLUS extra sides every time be go, but I keep returning for the same reason every one returns there: they simply have the greatest coffee on earth. In fact, they have a banner with a giant golden lion sipping coffee on it. That lion is the caffeine equivalent to the Hypnotoad(all glory to...) One cup in and she offers me another. "Yes", I practically beg her through tears of immediate regret. But, oh, it is so the best thing ever. It also washes down the burnt potatoes quite well.
Fast forward 5 hours later and I am wishing I went for that 3 mile run I meant to get in before it got dark, right before I picked up my mail and spent three hours reading the National Geographic that arrived, and before I started watching Glee. Now it is too late to run, but my mind is springing. I have a fuckTON of reading to do so I don't fudge the details on the novel I am teaching, but I'd much rather kill zombies and behead the conjurer mage who guards the treasure at the back of the cave I am exploring in the game on my xbox I am in love with. I would also love to clean and make things smell pretty while formulating the most innovative and effective method for teaching vocabulary this side of Marzano. Wow. I feel/sound like my sister. Someone needs to make sure my pupils aren't floating in the whites of my eyes because I have strained them too much while explaining these things to you. Someone make sure I am not doing it right now.