Today I blogged.
When did "blog" become a bad word? It's not necessarily entirely evil just yet, but it's not what it used to be. Remember when it was new and had that red plastic glow of new toy-ness? I have a blog with pictures that are funny and witticisms that will regale the fleshy walls of even the most crowded spam mailboxes and chain letter massacres. There was an open stage once associated with the word "blog". Now you say "blog" and I think of gobs and blobs of opinions from people like me with the illusion of audiences. Now, "bloggers" only have credibility with news commentary shows who are too lazy to go do actual journalism themselves. Everyone has a blog, but only those who can turn their tiny, ad-bartered piece of cyber real estate into a mecca of self-promotion get anywhere. Journalists posting what other journalists wrote. Is this where journalists go to die? Amateur writers going on missions and documenting their plights or failed novelists hoping for a bite; who are these people and where did their blogs go? To me blogging is the blue fairy at the bottom of the sea, keeping me frozen in a glow of hope, fathoms below a bustling and much more innovative world. I am perfectly content to write for the fish.
I sometimes troll my old blogging haunts, LJ, Wordpress, etc. It's nothing more than broken links and corrupted files. The ghosts of friends I loved in 2005, pictures from parties when everyone was much thinner, and, funny enough, old weight loss diaries and exercise aphorisms go unread.
That's going to change. Right now. I won't let this blog become "Probably Abandoned", as an acquaintance once named his blog when I pressured him to write one because he was so hilarious in real life.
The graveyard of abandoned blogs has one less resident tonight. ME!
I am reviving...
Who doesn't love zombies nowadays?
P.S. - Metaphor Coffee is looking for blood donors for its revival. If you like writing short stories and love a good competition and can END A STORY, please give me a shout. We'd love to have your....BRAINS.
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